Some revenues don’t get updated and wait on the screen during revenue updating.
In cases like this, double click the revenue that is wanted to be updated (that you get the error). The details of the error will show on the screen that opens.
For the sales point cannot be found error: reach out to the support team.
For the bad sales item, receipt or stock item connection error: Go to Cost Control>Sales items. Find the items with the plu numbers in the sales items menu. This error is related to a missing receipt or stock item connection to a sales item. Bind the sales item with a receipt or a stock item and update again. The faulty revenues will be subtracted from the stock.
For the item cannot be found error: You will get this error when a new item is entered in Micros but is not registered to MC as a sales item. To solve this problem, go to Cost Control>Pos system>Transfer Pos Sales Items (Micros), Cost Control>Pos system>Micros Sales Items Maintenance (Simphony) menus and take the sales items back inside.