How to create inventory manually in Mc?

Warehouse>Inventory module is used to manually create inventory one by one. Here, click the new button and on the page that opens, select the warehouse to create the inventory in.

After selecting the inventory date, you must select the “all stocks until the inventory date included” option from the inventory time section to include all the operations until that date in the inventory.

Select one of the “not counted stock available stock” or “not counted stock zero” options. Select the units to use. If you use the units in the price offer, all the units that have been operated on for the stock items in that warehouse will be listed. 

On the “Fill in the real amount area” area, select the empty option if you want the inventory taking area to be empty. Otherwise consider the other options. This way, the inventory countings may be entered based on the minimum/maximum stock or the last closing inventory during inventory taking process.

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