There might be some problems because of the limitations of the operating system. For this;
The computer is started with an admin authorized session,
CMD screen is opened and useraccountcontrolsettings is entered. The scroll bar is scrolled to the bottom and the computer is restarted.
After the computer restarts, an admin authorized session logs in again.
Regedit is entered, here, go until the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System key, the fields are configured as below;
ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin : 0
ConsentPromptBehaviorUser : 0
EnableLUA : 0
PromptOnSecureDesktop : 0
EnableInstallerDetection : 0
Computer is restarted,
After the computer restarts, an admin authorized session logs in again. From the CMD screen bcdedit /set {current} nx AlwaysOff is written and DEP is closed.
Computer is restarted.