From the Setup \ Configuration \ Users \ User Definition screen "New" button is clicked and user account screen is opened, the fields below are filled.
Initials : States the user code, this code appears on the report process actions.
Last Name :
First Name :
Group : The user group that the user will be connected to.
Title :
Default Language :
Login Name :
Password :
Re-Enter Password :
Login Valid From : The first date that the user will start using the program.
Login Valid To : The last day that the user will use the program. If no date is determined, a future date can be written, for example 31.12.2050.
Max.No.Of Sessions : The mac number of sessions a user can open in different computers, if "0" is written, the user can login to the program in any number of computers.
Password expiry (days) :
Cashier Number : The cashier number that the user will use.