How to view the check actions?

All the check activity done in Micros can be saved in files named Journal that are in test format. To make a journal save, Devices / User Workstation / Printers / Journal Printer configuration must have been done in Pos Configurator. The files are kept in separate files for every terminal in D:\micros\journals\ folder. An example of a journal save is below.

Chk 3845                   Gst 0
9999998 Micros User          WS3
CE:9999998 CC:      0 TC:      0
Trn 2             25Oct'18 17:36
  1 1,5 MUAMMARA         4.00
  1 KOL YILMALI          8.50
  1 PUF                  0.00
    BILL CASH           12.50

    0.93 VAT TTL        12.50
    Net TTL             11.57
    Subtotal            12.50
    Payment             12.50

    TAX %8               0.93

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